Q. You were recently the winner of 'LGBT role model of the year' Homo Heroes award, how does it feel to be recognised for such an achievement?
It was a great honour and also a surprise. I never expected to win as I had only just really started my work with JBG (Just a Ball Game) but it was fantastic to win such a great award.
Q. You're currently the only 'out' player at women's elite football level. Do you feel other players are scared to come out due to homophobic abuse/lack of support, or is it more because they prefer to keep their private lives out of the limelight so to speak?
Q. You're currently the only 'out' player at women's elite football level. Do you feel other players are scared to come out due to homophobic abuse/lack of support, or is it more because they prefer to keep their private lives out of the limelight so to speak?
I definitely think it’s more the latter. I have never found homophobia to be a major problem in women’s football so there wouldn’t be a big issue with coming out. A lot of my friends just like keep their personal life private.

Q. We see male football covered in the media everyday and its refreshing that someone like yourself is getting positive publicity for making a stand. Do you feel that women's football needs more of this publicity for the game to move forward, in terms of involvement and participation?
I think women’s football is striving forward every single day and we are seeing more and more coverage in the media. It has come on leaps and bounds in the 26 years that I have been involved. I think women's football is one of the fastest growing sports in the world and the more we see of it on TV or in the news is only going to make these figures grow.
Q. As a patron for JBG, what activities/events do you get involved in?
Last week I went to visit the Hyde United U12s girls team to celebrate JBG 3rd birthday while they were training and had a chat with them. I walked at Pride with my parents and also got a group of friends to play at the gay games in the summer which was great. I intend to get involved in more events over the next 12 months.
Q. It's nice to see Manchester City Ladies have gained a place in next year's super league. Are you relishing the opportunity to play in such a talented league and hopefully get more TV coverage of your games?
It will be the highlight of my career to be involved with my club at the top level of women's football, something I have dreamed about since I started playing. The girls and I have already been hard at work for the last few months as we all want to make a real impression on the manager and coaches. We cant wait to get started properly. It will be amazing to see City Ladies on the TV.
You have to work hard and be dedicated. You have to train hard, eat right and live your life in the proper way. The opportunities now for young female footballers are endless. We now have the facilities and the coaches which I wasn’t lucky enough to have at a young age. But you also need the desire and application to work alongside all of that.
Q. You work as a housing manager as well as playing football. Do you find working an additional job affects your game in anyway? Obviously in the men's game, they train all week to prepare for big matches, whereas most professional players have jobs and some even have kids to juggle also.
Of course having a full time job on top of trying to play football at a high level is difficult. I will often go to training after a 9 or 10 hour day at work and feel tired but you have to grit your teeth and get through that. I train every day at present twice a week with the team and five times a week on my own and its hard going but its definitely worth it. Its going to be really hard work in Jan when we train 5 or 6 times a week but I am willing to do this as I want to play at the highest level for my beloved club.
Many thanks for your answers Andie and good luck for the season ahead. For more information on Just a Ball Game's work on raising the awareness of homophobic/anti-gay issues, visit www.justaballgame.co.uk
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